Increases in hepatobiliary surgeries during the past decade, including laparoscopic cholecystectomies and adult living donor liver transplantations, have been accompanied by an increase in postoperative complications such as bile leaks. It is imperative to accurately diagnose and treat bile leaks in a timely manner to limit associated morbidity and mortality. Diagnostic imaging plays a key role in the treatment of patients with suspected postoperative bile leaks.
The purpose of this article is to describe the common locations and appearances of bile leaks, including the difficulty in differentiating leaks from other postoperative fluid collections, and the usefulness of different imaging techniques in evaluating patients with suspected bile leaks.


Bile leaks that may result from cholecystectomy have been described by McKenzie [1] and by Foster and Wayson [2] and are caused by a slipped cystic duct ligature or a leak from an accessory or anomalous bile duct; those resulting from hepatic surgery are caused by a leak from a biliary anastomotic site, dislodgement or removal of an external drainage tube, or damage to a bile duct during surgery or trauma. Bile leaks are most commonly associated with hepatobiliary surgeries or invasive procedures such as open or laparoscopic cholecystectomy, hepatic resection, hepatic transplantation, liver biopsy, and percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography.
Both open and laparoscopic cholecystectomy can be complicated by bile leaks (Figs. 1A, 1B, 1C and 2A, 2B, 2C, 2D) from unrecognized inadvertent damage to the normal bile duct during surgery. Up to 30% of the population may have anomalies of the union of the intrahepatic bile ducts or cystic duct with the common hepatic duct and gallbladder (Fig. 3A, 3B, 3C, 3D) that may predispose them to bile duct injury during surgery [3]. Identifying variations in intrahepatic ductal anatomy during hepatic resection and liver transplantation is also important to avoid bile duct complications. Bile leaks after transplantation may occur at the site of biliary anastomosis or T-tube placement and may necessitate surgical revision of the anastomosis (Fig. 4A, 4B, 4C). Bile leaks also may be caused by nonoperative circumstances such as blunt or penetrating trauma (Figs. 5A, 5B, 5C and 6A, 6B).
Fig. 1A. 44-year-old man 1 week after laparoscopic cholecystectomy who presented with abdominal pain and bile leakage through abdominal incisions. ERCP image shows bile leak (arrow) from cystic duct remnant and allows determination of site of leak.
Fig. 1B. 44-year-old man 1 week after laparoscopic cholecystectomy who presented with abdominal pain and bile leakage through abdominal incisions. Late ERCP image shows pooling of contrast material at site of leak (arrow). When large amount of contrast material is present, anatomic features are obscured and exact site of leak cannot be determined.
Fig. 1C. 44-year-old man 1 week after laparoscopic cholecystectomy who presented with abdominal pain and bile leakage through abdominal incisions. Contrast-enhanced CT scan 1 day after B shows persistent free fluid (straight arrow) in abdomen with free peritoneal air (curved arrow) from recent ERCP. Stent (arrowhead) is in good position. Stent migration or obstruction may not adequately protect site of leak and may result in failure of conservative therapy to treat leak.
Fig. 2A. 52-year-old woman with abdominal pain 1 week after laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Sonogram of right upper quadrant shows nonspecific fluid collection (arrow) in gallbladder fossa. L = liver.
Fig. 2B. 52-year-old woman with abdominal pain 1 week after laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Axial maximum-intensity-projection mangafodipir trisodium–enhanced MR cholangiogram at 5 min shows extravasation of contrast material (arrowhead) into operative bed.
Fig. 2C. 52-year-old woman with abdominal pain 1 week after laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Oblique coronal maximum-intensity-projection MR cholangiogram at 25 min shows progressive extravasation of contrast material (arrowhead).
Fig. 2D. 52-year-old woman with abdominal pain 1 week after laparoscopic cholecystectomy. ERCP image confirms leak (large arrowhead) from branch of right hepatic duct (small arrowheads). Aberrant duct probably was not recognized and was inadvertently damaged at surgery.
Fig. 3A. Illustrations of anomalous biliary anatomy that may result in injury during surgery. G = gallbladder, D = duodenum. Drawing shows low insertion of cystic duct (straight arrow) in medial wall of hepatic duct (white curved arrows) or in its ventral wall spiraling (black curved arrow) dorsal to hepatic duct.
Fig. 3B. Illustrations of anomalous biliary anatomy that may result in injury during surgery. G = gallbladder, D = duodenum. Drawing shows accessory (segmental) hepatic duct draining directly into cystic duct (arrowhead), gallbladder (solid arrow), and common bile duct (open arrows).
Fig. 3C. Illustrations of anomalous biliary anatomy that may result in injury during surgery. G = gallbladder, D = duodenum. Drawing shows cystic and common hepatic ducts running parallel to each other in common fibrous sheath (arrows).
Fig. 3D. Illustrations of anomalous biliary anatomy that may result in injury during surgery. G = gallbladder, D = duodenum. Drawing shows gallbladder closely apposed to liver (L) with many tiny Luschka's ducts draining directly into gallbladder.
Fig. 4A. 48-year-old woman with bilious fluid draining from surgical drains placed in abdomen and left bile duct after trisegmentectomy and left biliary hepaticojejunostomy for Klatskin's tumor. Injection of contrast material into left biliary drain (long arrow) shows leak (short arrows) from site of biliary anastomosis into right upper peritoneal cavity.
Fig. 4B. 48-year-old woman with bilious fluid draining from surgical drains placed in abdomen and left bile duct after trisegmentectomy and left biliary hepaticojejunostomy for Klatskin's tumor. Contrast-enhanced CT scan shows large bile collection (arrow) along resected right margin of liver and sympathetic right pleural effusion (arrowhead).
Fig. 4C. 48-year-old woman with bilious fluid draining from surgical drains placed in abdomen and left bile duct after trisegmentectomy and left biliary hepaticojejunostomy for Klatskin's tumor. Repeated cholangiogram through biliary drain (single arrows) 3 weeks after B shows persistent leak (double arrows) and contrast material draining into percutaneously placed catheter (arrowheads). Patient subsequently required surgical revision of biliary anastomosis.
Fig. 5A. 24-year-old man involved in automobile collision who underwent surgical repair of laceration of right side of liver had bloody bilious fluid draining from surgically placed drain. Contrast-enhanced CT scan shows large liver lacerations (arrow) and surgically placed drain (arrowhead).
Fig. 5B. 24-year-old man involved in automobile collision who underwent surgical repair of laceration of right side of liver had bloody bilious fluid draining from surgically placed drain. Hepatobiliary scintigram shows radiotracer in Jackson-Pratt drain (straight arrows). Site of leak cannot be seen because of poor spatial resolution. Photopenic area along superior margin of liver (curved arrow) is site of laceration.
Fig. 5C. 24-year-old man involved in automobile collision who underwent surgical repair of laceration of right side of liver had bloody bilious fluid draining from surgically placed drain. Contrast material injected through percutaneous Jackson-Pratt drain (double arrows) pools at site of liver laceration (single thick arrow); fills intrahepatic bile ducts (single thin arrow), common hepatic ducts (double arrowheads), gallbladder (single arrowhead), and duodenum; and confirms biliary disruption and leak.
Fig. 6A. 21-year-old man with liver laceration caused by automobile collision. Contrast-enhanced CT scan shows large laceration (arrows) in right posterior lobe of liver and extravasation of contrast medium (arrowhead), indicating active bleeding. Hepatobiliary scan (not shown) revealed bile leak from laceration site. Patient was treated with endoscopic insertion of biliary stent and percutaneous drainage of fluid.
Fig. 6B. 21-year-old man with liver laceration caused by automobile collision. Contrast-enhanced CT scan obtained 2 months after A shows complete healing of laceration and residual scar (arrow). Hepatic lacerations resulting in bile leaks frequently resolve spontaneously or with minimal intervention.


Bile leaks from postoperative or blunt abdominal trauma that result in intraperitoneal collections of bile are typically not contaminated by bacteria and usually do not result in severe bile peritonitis [4]. In contrast, intraperitoneal collections after acute cholecystitis are usually infected. Peritoneal culture is positive in 75% of patients, with Escherichia coli being the most frequently isolated organism. As expected, the outcome is worse than for trauma patients.


The incidence of bile leaks after liver transplantation has been reported to be 4.3% [5]; after major hepatic resection, 3–11% [6]; and after laparoscopic cholecystectomy, approximately 0.35–0.47% [7]. Usually several days pass before a leak is diagnosed [4, 5] because symptoms are nonspecific and could derive from other postoperative complications (Fig. 7). Patients frequently undergo some form of cross-sectional imaging such as CT or sonography, and altough findings may be suggestive of bile leak they cannot reliably distinguish bile from other postoperative fluid collections such as pus, serous fluid, or blood (Fig. 2A, 2B, 2C, 2D).
Fig. 7. 51-year-old woman with fever after liver transplantation and clinical concern for infection. Contrast-enhanced CT scan of upper abdomen shows biliary stent (arrowhead) penetrating wall of Roux-en-Y loop of biliary hepaticojejunostomy with large amounts of intraabdominal fluid and free air (arrows). Surgery confirmed Rouxen-Y perforation and mixed bilious fluid in peritoneal cavity. This case emphasizes importance of documenting proper positioning of stents and drains.
CT is excellent for showing the site and morphology of a fluid collection. In our experience, on CT, bile collections may be loculate, multiloculate (Fig. 8), or diffuse in the peritoneal cavity (Fig. 1A, 1B, 1C). Bile collections are usually close to the site of the leak, but occasionally they may be remote or may even be intrahepatic (Fig. 9). If a fluid collection is identified on CT, further investigation may be undertaken to confirm and treat the collection. If a T-tube is present, a cholangiogram can usually reveal the presence and site of the leak. However, if a T-tube is not present, more invasive examinations such as ERCP, percutaneous cholangiography (Fig. 10A, 10B), or imaging-guided percutaneous drainage can confirm the diagnosis and potentially treat the bile leak.
Fig. 8. 72-year-old woman with fever 2 weeks after cholecystectomy. Bile duct was injured and repaired during surgery. Contrast-enhanced CT scan shows multiple loculated perihepatic fluid collections (arrows) confirmed as bilomas on hepatobiliary scintigraphy. Arrowhead marks endoscopically placed biliary stent.
Fig. 9. 74-year-old man with remote history of cholecystectomy developed fever and rigors after endoscopic sphincterotomy and removal of bile duct stones. ERCP (not shown) revealed intrahepatic bile leak from left hepatic duct. Contrast-enhanced CT scan shows multiple nonspecific low-attenuation lesions (arrows) in left hepatic lobe. Imaging-guided aspiration of left lobe collection revealed purulentappearing bilious fluid with WBCs that gave negative results at pathogen culture. Infection can cause breakdown of small bile ducts and subsequent leak; pericholangitic abscesses often represent intrahepatic bile leaks.
Fig. 10A. 58-year-old man was found to have gallbladder carcinoma during cholecystectomy for cholecystitis. Contrast-enhanced CT scan obtained because of persistent postoperative jaundice shows mild intrahepatic ductal dilatation with small low-attenuation region in gallbladder fossa (black arrows). No collection that would indicate bile leak is seen. White arrow marks surgically placed drainage catheter.
Fig. 10B. 58-year-old man was found to have gallbladder carcinoma during cholecystectomy for cholecystitis. Percutaneous transhepatic cholangiogram shows hepatic ducts dilated from complete obstruction at confluence (long arrow) of bile ducts. Contrast material extravasation (short arrows) indicating bile leak is seen along surgically placed drain (white arrowheads) that corresponds to low-attenuation region on CT scans. Patient was successfully treated with external biliary drainage catheter (black arrowheads).
Hepatobiliary scintigraphy has the advantage of presenting the physiologic course of biliary excretion and showing the actual leakage of bile from the biliary tract (Fig. 5A, 5B, 5C). This technique, however, is limited by poor spatial resolution that makes identification of the site of leak difficult, and CT correlation may be required, especially if the leak is small.
Mangafodipir trisodium–enhanced MR cholangiography is a recently described alternative approach that combines anatomic and functional imaging of the biliary tract [8]. Mangafodipir trisodium is an MR contrast agent comprising a water-soluble chelate complex salt between a paramagnetic manganese ion (II) and the ligand dipyridoxyl diphosphate, a vitamin B6 analogue. Mangafodipir begins to increase the signal intensity of the liver 1–3 min after IV injection and reaches steady-state enhancement in approximately 5–10 min. Scanning is initiated 5 min after the injection, and volumetric 3D T1-weighted axial and coronal or oblique coronal images are obtained every 10–15 min until a bile leak becomes apparent (Fig. 11A, 11B, 11C). Mangafodipir trisodium–enhanced MR cholangiography combines the advantages of hepatobiliary scintigraphy and multiplanar cross-sectional imaging with the functional evaluation of biliary excretion and excellent spatial resolution and anatomic depiction (Figs. 12A, 12B, 12C and 13A, 13B) of the biliary tree.
Fig. 11A. 50-year-old woman with complicated clinical course after partial left hepatic lobectomy for adenomatosis. CT scan shows large perihepatic fluid collection (arrow) that proved to be biloma after percutaneous drainage.
Fig. 11B. 50-year-old woman with complicated clinical course after partial left hepatic lobectomy for adenomatosis. ERCP image does not reveal bile leak. Hepatobiliary scintigraphy (not shown) also failed to show leak.
Fig. 11C. 50-year-old woman with complicated clinical course after partial left hepatic lobectomy for adenomatosis. Oblique sagittal maximum-intensity-projection MR cholangiogram obtained at 40 min shows increasing accumulation of contrast material (arrow) in perihepatic space. Contrast material is also seen in percutaneous drainage catheter (arrowheads).
Fig. 12A. 62-year-old man, transplant recipient of right hepatic lobe with choledochocholedochostomy. Increasing perihepatic fluid appeared on sonography and bile drained from abdominal drain after liver transplantation. Initial T-tube cholangiography did not show bile leak. Contrast-enhanced CT scan after initial T-tube cholangiogram shows significant, albeit nonspecific, perihepatic fluid (arrow). Surgical drain is marked with arrowhead.
Fig. 12B. 62-year-old man, transplant recipient of right hepatic lobe with choledochocholedochostomy. Increasing perihepatic fluid appeared on sonography and bile drained from abdominal drain after liver transplantation. Initial T-tube cholangiography did not show bile leak. Axial maximum-intensity-projection mangafodipir trisodium–enhanced MR cholangiogram 1 week after transplantation at 15 min shows extravasation of contrast material (arrow) from resected free left margin of liver.
Fig. 12C. 62-year-old man, transplant recipient of right hepatic lobe with choledochocholedochostomy. Increasing perihepatic fluid appeared on sonography and bile drained from abdominal drain after liver transplantation. Initial T-tube cholangiography did not show bile leak. Repeated T-tube cholangiogram confirms bile leak (arrow). Multiple areas of intrahepatic biliary narrowing (arrowheads) suggest hepatic artery stenosis and resultant bile duct ischemia and stricture formation.
Fig. 13A. 29-year-old man with fever 3 weeks after liver transplantation. CT scan shows fluid collection containing gas (arrow) adjacent to left hepatic lobe, which is suggestive of abscess. Percutaneous drainage revealed bilious fluid.
Fig. 13B. 29-year-old man with fever 3 weeks after liver transplantation. Axial curved reformatted MR cholangiogram at 40 min shows accumulation of contrast material (straight arrow) corresponding to collection seen on CT scan. Curved reformatted image shows entire length of track from intrahepatic ducts (curved arrow) to drainage catheter (arrowheads).


Detecting and locating bile leaks is difficult. It is important to differentiate bile leaks from abscesses because bile leaks can often be treated by temporary stenting. Cross-sectional imaging may be a reasonable first step for detecting postoperative complications, but documenting bile leaks often requires techniques that directly visualize biliary excretion from the injured bile ducts. Mangafodipir trisodium–enhanced MR cholangiography can be helpful in such instances and provide accurate anatomic and functional information that allows prompt diagnosis and treatment of bile leaks.


We thank Eric Jablonowski for his help with the illustrations in Figure 3A, 3B, 3C, 3D.


Address correspondence to V. Kapoor.


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Information & Authors


Published In

American Journal of Roentgenology
Pages: 451 - 458
PubMed: 14736680


Submitted: January 30, 2003
Accepted: May 30, 2003
First published: November 23, 2012



Vibhu Kapoor
Division of Abdominal Imaging, Department of Radiology, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, 200 Lothrop St., Pittsburgh, PA 15213.
Richard L. Baron
Division of Abdominal Imaging, Department of Radiology, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, 200 Lothrop St., Pittsburgh, PA 15213.
Department of Radiology, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 60637.
Mark S. Peterson
Division of Abdominal Imaging, Department of Radiology, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, 200 Lothrop St., Pittsburgh, PA 15213.

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